
a Front-end Developer
from Guildford, UK

Hi, thanks for visiting.

Don't be fooled, I don't have a pink mohican. That's a placeholder image. I do though have a rectangle for a nose and a love for the colour orange.

When I'm not working, you'll often find me playing with tech or losing badly at games. And, when I want to leave the screens behind, I'll set off hiking somewhere. The more ambitious - the better.

Andy Cameron's avatar


Front-end Web Development Student

London, Spring 2020

I start this course with the hope to kickstart a career in a role that rewards both logic and imagination. I want to push myself, meet new people, learn all I can and throw everything I have into the next three months. I'm sure it'll be a blast!

A book spine for 'HTML5' A book spine for 'Learning CSS' A book spine for 'JavaScript' A book spine for 'The Guide to Bootstrap' A book spine for 'jQuery Cookbook' A book spine for 'Node.js' A book spine for 'Jump Start Sass' A book spine for 'Build with Firebase' A book spine for 'Exploring React' A book spine for 'Soft Skills' Susan, Andy's rubber duck


Land and Utility Surveyor

Geotec Surveys, 2016 - 2020

I've spent the last four years planning and managing land and utility surveys across the UK, detecting and mapping underground utilities to PAS-128 standards. Experience working with highways, railways and electrical substations.

Click me to start the game!
It shoot lasers!

Detailed topographical land surveys using Leica Total Stations and GPS / GNSS RTK technology.

The Leaning Tower of Pisa, needs a survey.

Measured building surveys, floor-plans, internal and external elevations, and cross-sections.

What does this switch do? An open manhole

Non-invasive utility detection to PAS-128 standards using EM locators and GPR.

A 3-D cube
Laser Scanning

Leica RTC360 laser scanner, processing 3D point clouds in Cyclone and PointCab.

Soil layers

Locating voids and anomalies, structural and buried features with GSSI SIR and IDS systems.

AutoCAD and GIS

Modelling 2D and 3D deliverables, interpreting statutory information and automating LISP routines.

Contact me

Thanks for dropping by. For any work, information or just general feedback, please drop me a line using the form or the e-mail address provided. Or, if want to learn a little more about me and follow my progress, catch me on LinkedIn or Twitter - links below.

Andy Cameron's avatar